Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week Twelve

Exercise Six (in week eight)


Exercise Seven

Exercise seven was a reading on building a web library for our manifesto assignment. Below are the answer to the questions from the exercise. 

Two typefaces I would like to use for my website are Source Code Pro and Open Sans. Source Code Pro is a typeface I use for a lot of my personal branding projects (such as websites and business cards) because I find it a unique mix between a sans serif typeface with some elongated flares such as in the lowercase i and lowercase l. I chose Open Sans to complement Source Code Pro with its clean simplistic legibility and kerning. 

1. Source Code Pro - monospaced sans serif

2. Open Sans - humanist sans-serif

My favorite display typeface would be a typeface classified under handwriting. A typeface I have used before (that I hope isn't overused) is Permanent Marker. The typeface is in all caps and very bold, and resembles writing with a sharpie or marker. I tend to write with markers in all caps so I enjoy this typeface because it resembles an aspect of my handwriting. 

I'm not sure if Permanent Marker matches the two other typefaces above, but I would have to explore that in my sketches.


Exercise Eight

Our next exercise was focused on learning how to make a responsive layout with given text and images. This exercise took me a while to complete because of all of the different percentages and sizes that needed to be adjusted. In the end, I am happy with the result of the layouts.
 Here are screenshots of the three different window sizes.




1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, Permanent Marker does not work with the other two typefaces; Source Code Pro and Open Sans. If you think you still want to use Permanent Marker then don't use Source Code Pro. Open sans would work with both.

    Exercise 8: You seemed to do a good job with completing the exercise. Let me know if you have any concerns or questions with this exercise. Also, remember you can zoom with the lab techs if necessary.


Week Sixteen

5/5/20 Today I met Professor Mata through zoom for an in-progress critique. She gave a lot of helpful feedback with my design and the l...