Thursday, January 23, 2020

Week One


Today we began our project on researching a typeface and designing it around a three-dimensional cube. I chose Futura a sans-serif typeface that has many different fonts and has a unique history to it. The objective of our project is to share the history of a typeface in a 3D form.


After finalizing my research and creating my mockup I went to Illustrator and began to work on designing my typeface cube. Below is my research, sketches, and original mockup for my design. I printed out a blank cube and after writing on the cube where the text should go I re-flattened the cube to see where I would have to position the type on Illustrator.

I then began to work on laying out the cube in Illustrator using Futura and it's different fonts and styles to create emphasis on different words in the sentences. Below is the final design layout on Illustrator with the final printed out mockup.

Over the weekend I printed and folded the final design to a 6 x 6 inch cube.

Pannel 1

Pannel 2

Pannel 3

Pannel 4

Pannel 5

Pannel 6

Links to researched sources:

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