Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week Fourteen


Today we presented our manifestos in small groups for critiques. Below are screenshots of the manifesto that I presented to my groupmates.

I received a lot of positive comments on my manifesto and some feedback on an adjustment to make. The positive comments I received are:

  • The overlap of "I believe..." on the green boxes works to create some depth
  • The bolding of the main parts of the text creates emphasis of the main points
  • The manifesto is created in my style which works well since they are my personal declarations
  • The contrast between the organic heading and the computer blocky body type connects well with graphic design and the leaves
The adjustment that Professor Mata suggested is to add some more padding with between the boxes in the half-size and phone size because they are a little tight. I am going to make those adjustments and repost the changes here and in OneDrive.

I adjusted the padding for the middle and smaller size. Below are screenshots of my final manifesto and of my code.



For my final project using my typeface, I want to create something connecting to my original idea of the typeface being used as a way to type out sentences or names to help people learn cursive. My idea is between either an animation of a word or a letter being traced out sort of like a tutorial video to show the flow of writing each character. I would use After Effects for the animation. My other idea is to make a page that a user can type out something and then use a stylus or Apple Pencil to trace over. I'm leaning towards the Apple Penical tracing idea, and if I go with the tracing idea, I'm not sure of the best way to present my idea. Do I take a video of me tracing some of the words? And what words should I use? I'm open to suggestions and ideas on which direction to go.

1 comment:

  1. Delanie,
    I emailed you feedback on your final project concept. If you have any further questions please let me know.


Week Sixteen

5/5/20 Today I met Professor Mata through zoom for an in-progress critique. She gave a lot of helpful feedback with my design and the l...